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You are not alone! Here are several people who have went through exactly what you are going through right now, and share their full experiences. Click on any that you are interested for access to the entire interview.

Name: Mary Ann


Procedure: Total Knee Replacement (left knee)


Age: 70


Date of Surgery: January 21, 2015


Experience: Her knee was locking or freezing up, whether she was in the car or a restaurant. She had to do exercises to strengthen the muscles in her knee prior to...

Name: Diana

Procedure: Total Knee Replacement (left knee)


Age: 60


Date of Surgery: October 17, 2014


Experience: Never thought she would have to get a knee replacement, but with the extra weight putting pressure on her knees, deteriorated her left knee until the point where she had...

Name: Martha


Procedure: Total Knee Replacement (left knee)


Age: 64


Date of Surgery: Jan 16, 2014


Experience: Major problems with her knee it was inverted and it would bow inward. She would collapse, so she knew she needed to...

Name: Virginia


Procedure: Total Knee Replacement (right knee)


Age: 77


Date of Surgery: January 23, 2007


Experience: Unfortunately, my experience was not good at all since I had to stay at the hospital for five days rather than 3 because I couldn't get this knee exercise...

Name: Rich


Procedure: Total Knee Replacement (right knee)


Age: 73


Date of Surgery:


Experience: Three years ago he got a total knee replacement on the left knee, a total of 4 operations on the same knee (3 revisions).  The reasons he had to get...

Name: Amanda Rodriguez


Procedure: ACL and Lateral Meniscus


Age: 21



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