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About Us

Get to know exactly what it is we offer and how we can help.
Our mission here at Knee-On is to help facilitate your life with the right type of information and resources.

         Have you recently experienced a recent knee injury?  Are you waiting for surgery? Are you post surgery?  Having a surgery of any sort can be scary, and here at Kneeon12.0 you can have access to helpful resources that connect you with information, as well as other patients with similar surgeries.  Learn what to expect before, during, and after your surgery.  Have access to rehabilitation exercises that you can do in the privacy of your own home.  Our website was founded by a group of twelve kinesiology majors at California State, San Bernardino. 


         Our mission is to provide helpful resources as well as information that can be beneficial to patients that have had or will have surgery.  With our helpful videos, you can learn how to incorporate exercises in every stage of the knee rehabilitation journey. Feel free to browse our site, as we have many options for you to engage in, from exercises, to testimonials, to a forum where you can meet other people that are in the same situation as you.  Nobody likes to have surgery, but with the right resources and support, the surgery process can be a lot smoother. 

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