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Here at Knee-On 12.0 we want to provide you with all of the information and resources that will make your knee rehabilitation more successful and sustainable for FREE! Sign up today and gain access to a community of individuals and professionals who went through exactly what you are going through and have knowledge that will benefit you. Don't wait and sign up today!

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Do you feel as if you posses the knowledge or service to help other people through a knee injury? Need help reaching out to new clients? Contact us today to help make that a reality. 

Knee On 12 is an Online Community that provides the motivation, resources, and information through interactions amongst professionals and individuals who have also experienced a knee injury.

"The thought of knee surgery was something I was sceptical about since I wasn't too familiar with the procedure and rehabilitation. Unfortunately, I felt as if I was on my own after going forth with the surgery because the Doctors never infromed me of..." 

                                                  Susan P. Smith

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