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Yoga benefits may include and are not limited to:


  • Flexibility

  • Strength improvement

  • Better posture

  • Relieve of stress

  • Prevention of future injuries.


Damage to the knee is common.  Due to the amount of daily stress and weight it supports, the knee is vulnerable to a number of injuries.  If your knee has been recently injured or you are a patient who is recovering from an operation, yoga may prove to be beneficial in your journey to a healthy recovery.  There are a number of important aspects when searching for a yoga instructor or class. 

  • Certification/Education – Look for a yoga instructor who is certified or educated in Kinesiology or Yoga teacher training.Knowledge about knee anatomy will prove to be beneficial when incorporating yoga practice into your recovery.Don’t be afraid to ask.

  • Personality – Look for an instructor who has strong communication skills.You want a connection with your instructor, this is an important aspect for longevity.Find someone with a passion for helping other and this will translate into success.

  • Experience – Look for instructors who have experience in the field.Look for experience in:

    • 1 on 1 yoga

    • Group classes

    • Rehabilitation experience

  • Class/ Group setting - If attending a yoga studio or class, tell the instructor about your injury, some routines may be modified to fit your needs. It is important to note that slow and steady progression must take place.Start off with gentle movements and never proceed to the point of pain.

Please consult with your physician or doctor before incorporating yoga into your recovery or pre-operation process. 


.  Simple yoga exercises can help you regain your sense of balance, stability, and it may strengthen the surrounding joint and muscle areas that support your knee.

Tamsen Burke


Location: Claremont, Ca.

Certifications: ACE: Personal Trainer

                         YogaFit Training Systems Worldwide, Inc.- level 4

Experience: 16-20 years

About: Director of Fitness Center Assistant Chair, Department of Physical Education and Athletics Assistant Athletic Director, Intramural, Recreation, and Sport Clubs Associate Professor, Department of Physical Education and Athletics

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